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Productivity in Canada and how to improve it

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Productivity in Canada and how to improve it.

Speaker: Sylvie Ratté, Senior Economic, Business Development Bank of Canada


  • Tasha Richard, Professor of Entrepreneurship, Dalhousie University.
  • Chad Saunders, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Calgary
  • Amanda Williams, Assistant Professor, Mount Royal University
  • Geoff Gregson, THECIS Fellow.
  • Moderator: Peter Josty, Executive Director, The Centre for Innovation Studies.

Speaker Bio:

Sylvie Ratté has been Senior Economist at the Business Development Bank of Canada since 2007, with expertise in business dynamics, strategies, financing, productivity and sustainability. Before that she directed economic research at the Canadian Federation of Independent Business and started her career as a policy analyst at Finance Canada.  She has an MSC in Economics from the Université du Québec á Montréal.


This webinar is based on a report by the Business Development Bank released this summer that describes the dynamics of productivity in Canada, and how it varies by sector, how Canada compares with other countries and actions to take to improve productivity.

Productivity Puzzle Presentation September 25, 2024

Webinar Recording  

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